HR team Blog

Recently we see so many foreign tourists on the streets of Tokyo. Many people are saying that Japan is experiencing “over-tourism.” As a regular citizen, I do not mind that, as long as the traffic is not too bad and as long as the tourists follow the local regulations and […]

Favorite Japanese Food

Announcement: From September 2023, ECOM has started a new service called ECOM Cultures. The teachers introduce their native culture to the students in English. The service mainly focuses on Elementary, Junior High and High Schools in Japan. All classes are conducted online. It is still in the experimental stage, but […]

ECOM Cultures

Recently, I have been doing a lot of translations of students’ comments and noticed certain patterns in the responses. So, with the permission of the management I put together the “TOP 10 COMPLAINTS OF ONLINE STUDENTS” or in other words “What should teachers be aware of when teaching online!” 1. […]


Hello! Today let us introduce the teacher with the highest salary at Ecom, so you can easily imagine the Ecom working style. Profile of the Top Teacher at Ecom: – Nationality: American – Language of Instruction: English – Location: USA – Gender: Male – Working at Ecom: 10 years (as […]

Ecom Top-Paid Teacher

What type of computer do you usually use? Are you a Windows? Mac? Tablet or smartphone user? Ecom teachers are required to use a keyboard and multitasking device for online lessons. That’s the reason why smartphones and tablets are prohibited for online lessons. Have you heard about Chrome Book? If […]

Chrome Book for Online Lessons

Hello! How is everyone doing? It’s getting cold recently and everyone is in Christmas mood. Besides planning your Christmas presents for your friends and family, it’s the time when you think about your holidays. Working from home with your own schedule of course means that you are able to adjust […]

How to plan your vacation